Is that golden owl based on the move Clash Of The Titans? XD
Is that golden owl based on the move Clash Of The Titans? XD
Good Job
Even though I didn't own a pair of 3D glasses myself, I enjoyed the background music even though it was actually the audio clip from the movie Snatch. Do you by chance know the name of that music and who did it?
LOL, I love it when Hades goes into the manager's room to clean up and walks out the same moment.
...that's all I had to say about it.
LOL, mustard and ketchup.
Umm no
I see now where much of the 5.1 MB came from and it seems unnecessary to me. Most people shun at flash that has an mp3 take up over half the file size and offers lil' animation.
Any tips on how to make the mp3 smaller? I didn't know it would do that, sorry.
That's all I had to say :D. BTW< where did you get that hula music? I've been looking all over for it. It was from those Tex Avery cartoons wasn't it.
And now he has a bigger sword!
I just loved that last phrase! If there was a way to optimize the flash even more, then the movie would be awesome. But if you really want to make it awesome, try to see if you can find any VAs for this. And if need be, find someone who can alter the voices to sound more primal.
*plops on the floor from ROFLMAOing too much*
Yeah, you better make more of these or...
Don't laugh at my Mac, yo bitchez.jpg could be in it!
Inhibits world chaos
DryDock Station
Joined on 6/15/01